

The Quiet Wisdom of Older Women as Cultural Capital

Duration: 2020–2021

Authors: Marja Holmila (Emerita, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL) and Jenni Simonen (E2 Research)

Partners: The project is implemented in collaboration with Research Professor Marja Holmila (Emerita, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL). The partners include the Pensioners' Association, the Finnish Pensioners' Federation, The Central Association of Finnish Pensioners, and the Union of Christian Pensioners.

The project, which began in the fall of 2020, examines the wisdom of older women and how it is being transitioned to the next generations. In addition, it examines what the research subjects have to say about the imagery of womanhood: do the women remain in the silent role or can they make their voices heard. The project will pass on the wisdom of older women so that at least some of it becomes a common cultural capital.

Project publications (in Finnish)

Name Type Size
”Semmoista elämänviisautta, jota olisi sopinut kyllä vähän laajemminkin kuunnella” - Ikänaisten elämisen taito ja kokemukset asemastaan yhteiskunnassa pdf 0.79 Mb

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