Ville Pitkänen

Ville Pitkänen

Research Manager, Docent, Doctor of Social Sciences

Immigration, labour, science communication, political communication, elections, attitude and values research, quantitative and qualitative research methods

+358 40 7770 869 ville.pitkanen@e2.fi
  • Management and implementation of research projects
  • Research project planning, financial management
  • Commissioned studies
  • Stakeholder relations and communication, popularisation of information
  • Expert services (presentations, articles, interviews)

Ville Pitkänen is a research manager at E2 Research. He has extensive experience in project management, working in multidisciplinary research teams, and working with stakeholders in large-scale consortia projects.

In recent years, he has been involved in several research projects related to employment, immigration, and labour shortages. He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of quantitative surveys but has also made extensive use of qualitative research methods.

Language proficiency: Finnish, English

The pace of change in society is fast. It is increasingly important to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in the Finnish society and be more aware of the changes. In E2 research, I get to do this in an inspiring work environment with motivated colleagues.

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