Ongoing Projects

Duration: 2022-
How are we doing? Annual review of Finn’s mental landscape
"How are we doing?" is E2 Research's own annual review of Finn’s values and attitudes. With this review, E2 Research serves decision-makers who make significant choices in politics, administration, businesses, and organizations. The information helps identify societal sensitivities and anticipate changes before they become headline news.

Duration: 2023–2024
Young People as Future Makers in Eastern Finland
What does the future look like in Eastern Finland according to young people? Young People's Good Life -research continues with a new research project that examines young people living in Finland's eastern border areas. During prolonged crises and challenges to well-being, it is particularly important to study the resources and future outlook of young people, as well as how they themselves describe their goals and components of a good life.

Duration: 2019-2022 (2025)
Just Food Transition - Tackling Inequalities on the Way to a Sustainable, Climate-Smart and Just Food System (JUST FOOD)
JUST FOOD project studies ways to transition to a climate-smart and healthy food system in a sustainable, acceptable, and just manner.
Funders: Strategic Research Council (SRC) of the Academy of Finland; JUST FOOD is part of the six-year FOOD programme (2019–2025)
Partners: Coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, the cross-disciplinary project consortium includes the University of Jyväskylä, E2 Research, Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE, the National Institute for Health and Welfare THL, and the Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Previous Projects

Duration: 2022
Ukrainians in Finland
The Ukrainians in Finland 2022 survey provides information on what Ukrainians who have fled their country think about their lives. Based on statistical and interview data, it also sheds light on the views of professionals working with refugees about the situation of Ukrainians and their service needs.
Partners: Ministry of the Interior and Sitra

Duration: 2022–2023
Crisis Resilience of Employers in The Agricultural and Horticultural Sector and the Adaptation of Ukrainian Seasonal Workers to Finland
The project examines the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine on Ukrainian seasonal workers and their families in Finland and on the farm owners employing them.
Funders: MTK's Foundation
Partners: Töitä Suomesta työvoimapalvelut Oy

Duration: 2022
BASE: Building Academics’ Societal Impact
A unique pilot project to support the growing number of foreign academics, researchers, and experts, who are working in Finland, in their public engagement, visibility in Finnish media, and the societal impact of their work.
Funders: Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
Partners: Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, LUT University, University of Turku, University of Vaasa, The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT)

Duration: 2021–2023
The International Talent Finland Research Project
In the International Talent Finland Research Project, we will inquire how to attract international talents to take part in building the country.
Funders: Confederation of Finnish industries (EK), Technology Industries of Finland, Kunta- ja hyvinvointialuetyönantajat KT, KEVA, Tekniikan Akateemiset, Industrial Employees TP, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, Business Finland, and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, and Oulu

Duration: 2021–2022
Inter-Generational Concerns and Strengths III: Young People's Good Life
Sub-study III “Young People's Good Life” examines how young people view success in life, their insecurities and concerns, and their place in society. The project has an inclusive approach by using members of the target age group as co-researchers as well as subjects.
Funders: Ministry of Education and Culture, Svenska kulturfonden, STTK ry, The Finnish Pension Alliance TELA, City of Oulu, Univerisity of Oulu, City of Vaasa, Vaasan seudun Kehitys Oy VASEK, Väinö Tanner Foundation, and Finnish Cultural Foundation's South Ostrobothnia Regional Fund
Partners: Vaasan Setlementti, The Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY), Wasa Innovation Center, and Åbo Akademi

Duration: 2020–2021
Inter-Generational Concerns and Strengths II: Institutions and the Citizen – Changing Relationship
Sub-study II “Institutions and the Citizen – Changing Relationship” focuses on the structural factors of the welfare state and examines the relationship between citizens and key institutions. The study examines whether there are differences between generations in the meanings and trust associated with institutions.
Partners: The Finnish Pension Alliance TELA, Association of Finnish Municipalities, and Sitra

Duration: 2020 –2022
Inter-Generational Concerns and Strengths
The project examines whether young and middle-aged people's views on working life and the future of the welfare state align. The project consists of three sub-studies.
Partners: Sub-study I: Industrial Employees TP, Finnish Paper Workers' Union, The Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, Trade Union Pro, and Service Union United PAM Sub-study II: The Finnish Pension Alliance TELA, Association of Finnish Municipalities, and Sitra Sub-study III: Ministry of Education and Culture, Svenska kulturfonden, STTK ry, The Finnish Pension Alliance TELA, City of Oulu, Univerisity of Oulu, City of Vaasa, Vaasan seudun Kehitys Oy VASEK, Väinö Tanner Foundation, and Finnish Cultural Foundation's South Ostrobothnia Regional Fund and in collaboration with Vaasan Setlementti, The Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY), Wasa Innovation Center, and Åbo Akademi.

Duration: 2020–2021
The Quiet Wisdom of Older Women as Cultural Capital
The project examines the wisdom of older women and how it is being transitioned to the next generations. The study also examines older women's experiences of their role in society.
Partners: The project is implemented in collaboration with Research Professor Marja Holmila (Emerita, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL). The partners include the Pensioners' Association, the Finnish Pensioners' Federation, The Central Association of Finnish Pensioners, and the Union of Christian Pensioners.

Duration: 2019-2020
Values and Identities Among the Finnish Majority Population and the Largest Ethno-Linguistic Minorities
The project examines the social values, attitudes and identities of Russian, Estonian, Somali, Arabic and English speakers in Finland. The project examines e.g., the importance of family, work, religion and mother tongue. In addition, the study provides significant new information on the integration of different ethno-linguistic minorities.
Partners: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Justice and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa

Duration: 2018
Finnish Identities, Values and Attitudes
The study examines the Finnish identities, values and attitudes.
Partners: The Finnish Cultural Foundation
In a polarized era, it's important to know how Finns are doing and how they assess their future. We regularly examine the values and attitude climate of Finnish society to understand what's happening beneath the surface, what people's strengths and fears are, what Finns' relationship is with different institutions, and how they assess the prospects of society. This knowledge helps anticipate people's behavior.