Jenni Simonen

Jenni Simonen

Director (research, development, and operations of E2 Research Ltd.), Doctor of Social Sciences, Sociologist

Research topics on youth, inclusion and intergenerational dialogue, qualitative methods, business development, and expert service

+358 50 3465021 jenni.simonen@e2.fi
  • E2 Research Ltd. management and operational responsibility
  • Management, planning, and supervision of research projects
  • Business development, partnerships, and customer relations

Jenni Simonen is a director at E2 Research. Her job description includes planning and managing research projects, organisational development, and managing E2 Research Ltd. which was established in spring 2023. She has experience in business, fundraising, and stakeholder engagement.

Simonen also has a long history in research and almost 20 years of experience in both academic and sector research. She has designed, managed, and implemented several large research projects. She has also conducted international comparative research, published actively in national and international scientific journals, and been successful in fundraising. She specialises in qualitative research and has strong methodological skills.

Prior to E2 Research, Simonen worked for more than 15 years as a researcher and senior researcher at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). She conducted studies in large research projects funded by the Academy of Finland, produced information for decision making, participated in numerous expert working groups, and successfully applied for research funding.

Language proficiency: Finnish, English

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