Roosa Veijola

Roosa Veijola

Specialist, Master of Arts

Skills shortages, labour migration, working life, science communication and communication development, event production, qualitative research, international relations (China)

+358413142421 roosa.veijola@e2.fi
  • Coordination of research projects and stakeholder work
  • Implementation and productisation of commissioned work
  • Development of science and project communication and websites
  • Event production

Roosa Veijola works at E2 Research as a specialist in research projects related to working life, labour migration, and skills shortages. Alongside her research work, Veijola coordinates and develops communication, stakeholder work, and event organisation in the projects. She is passionate about visually impactful, responsible, and insightful social communication.

Veijola's background in history and international relations allows her to examine social phenomena at both national and global levels. Her interest in international phenomena has taken her to work and study not only in Finland but also in the Middle East, Hong Kong, Mainland China, the Netherlands, and Thailand.

Language proficiency: Finnish, English

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