

Startup Success Factors - a Study of the Food Industry and the Case of Nyhtökaura

Duration: 2020

Authors: Reetta Kivelä, Aino Heikkilä, and Jenni Simonen

Partners: The Finnish Food and Drink Industries' Federation (ETL), K-Group, Ministry of Employment and the Economy and Startup Foundation

The project will provide a wide range of information for start-up entrepreneurs and those planning to become entrepreneurs in different sectors. The information will also support the development of businesses in the food sector and other key sectors of the future and, through the story of Nyhtökaura, provide an inspiring example for women entrepreneurs, researchers, students, and experts interested in entrepreneurship.

The publication produced by the project will increase knowledge about start-up activities, encourage entrepreneurship and support oat-related development activities. The project will also produce an information package on start-up entrepreneurship for use in education and lectures.

Project publications (in Finnish)

Name Type Size
Startupin menestystekijät: tarkastelussa elintarvikeala ja tapaus nyhtökaura pdf 4.95 Mb

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